CBID/CEZID Seminar Series 2024-2025

The CBID/CEZID Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series is presented as a joint effort between by the KU CoBRE Chemical Biology of Infectious Disease (CBID) and the KSU CoBRE Center on Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (CEZID).

Friday, September 6, 2024

CBID/CEZID Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series

Time and Location

3:00 pm - Haworth Hall 1005 (virtual)

Contact Shelley Sandberg at sandberg@ku.edu to get the Zoom meeting information.


Peter DaszakPeter Daszak, PhD
EcoHealth Alliance

Presentation Title

 "The science of how we can predict and prevent pandemics"

The CBID/CEZID Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series is presented by Chemical Biology of Infectious Disease (CBID) and COBRE Centers on Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (CEZID).