Research & Pilot Projects
One of CBID’s goal is to provide research support and career development guidance to early-stage faculty investigators in the state of Kansas through a research and pilot project program. By providing the necessary mentor support and infrastructure, COBRE CBID seeks to ensure the success of junior investigators in acquiring NIH funding and to encourage basic research scientists to discover the chemical biology of infectious disease field.
Project Selection Process
Research & Pilot Projects projects are chosen based on their relevance to the theme of the proposal and the credentials of the young investigators. This program identifies and funds scientifically worthy projects that will generate preliminary results in support of new external grant proposals and applications.
All Project grant recipients are selected for participation in the CBID-funded program based on submission of their proposals for review by external experts, receipt of a favorable recommendation for funding by the external reviewers, and final support of such recommendation by both the Internal Advisory Board (IAB) and the External Advisory Committee (EAC) of CBID.