CBID Cores
Administrative Core
The Administrative Core provides coordination of the overall research effort and administrative leadership for COBRE CBID as a whole.

Infectious Disease Assay Development Core
The Infectious Disease Assay Development Core (IDAD) provides assay development and high throughput screening technologies for identifying chemical probes against infectious disease targets,

Computational Chemical Biology Core
The Computational Chemical Biology Core (CCB) provides structure and ligand based drug discovery, protein modeling, and chemoinformatics.

Synthetic Chemical Biology Core
The Synthetic Chemical Biology Core (SCB) provides synthesis of novel and commercially unavailable small molecules, fluorescent molecules, and peptides.

Flow Cytometry Core
The Flow Cytometry Core (FC) provides access to flow cytometry and cell sorting instrumentation and expertise to researchers.

It is a federal requirement (Stevens Amendment) to cite CBID Center (P20GM113117) contributions within the acknowledgement of any manuscript or publication.