2018 CBID Pilot Project Awardees Announced
Below are the recipients of the CBID pilot project awards for the year 2018. Cory J. Berkland, Solon E. Summerfield Distinguished Professor, Depts. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Chemical & Petroleum Engineering;University of Kansas Project Title: Modification of antibiotics to improve lung retention after inhalation Jeffrey Bose, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, Molecular Genetics & Immunology, University of Kansas Medical Center Project Title: Biochemical Characterization and Immunological Consequence of MRSA Fatty Acid Kinase Eric J. Deeds, Associate Professor, Dept. of Molecular Biosciences, University of Kansas Project Title: Novel strategies for proteasome inhibition in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Michael Zhuo Wang, Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Kansas Project Title: Identification of CYP5122A1 inhibitors as therapeutic agents for leishmaniasis Additional information about CBID pilot projects can be found here: http://cbid.cobre.ku.edu/pilot-projects.